A moderate English
religious sect founded by Henry Jacob
(1563-1624). Jacob matriculated from St.
Mary's Hall, Oxford in 1581; B. A. (1583) and M. A.
(1586). A precentor at Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge. An ordained clergyman, Jacob was active
in the early puritan reform movement within the
Church of England.
1593-97, Jacob was banished to Holland. In 1599 at
the age of 36, Jacob argued for a moderate reform
within the Church of England with Francis
Johnson (1562-1618), a former Cambridge
don, a dissident clergyman and now a prominent
separatist (Barrowist). Jacob published his reply to Johnson:
A Defense of the Churches and Ministry of
Englande (1599).
Cartwright, Henry Jacob and others were instrumental in
facilitating the Millenary Petition (1603),
a thousand signature wish list of puritan reforms to be submitted to
the new king James I (1603-25) upon
taking the throne. The new Scottish King was
thought to be sympathetic to religious reforms
similar to those of the Church of Scotland. The
King agreed to hear arguments pro and con.
Henry Jacob
called for reform within the Church of England with
his own publication: Reasons taken out of
Gods Word and the best humane Testimonies proving a
necessitie of reforming our Churches in
England (1604). Jacob put forward his ideas or a "gathered church" policy.His dissident work promptly
landed him in prison.
Hampton Court Conference (1604) debated the Millenary Petition (1603) in front of James I and a panel of Church
divines. The puritan delegation was seeking changes to the
Church of England and its administration. The King rejected their
reforms as an affront to his own authority, and
the established Church of England. The one real
concession made was a new English translation of
the Bible, The Authorized Version of the
Bible (1611), later known as the King
James Bible.
serving his eight month prison sentence,
Henry Jacob was exiled to Holland ca. 1605. Jacob
started a congregation in Middleburg, Zeeland,
Holland. He soon found other dissident
voices in exile such as William Ames
(1576-1633), Calvinist moral theologian and author. A former Fellow
of Christ's College (Cambridge, ) who migrated to Holland after
1610. Ames was known for his extreme puritanism. He would later establish his own
congregation at the Hague.
continued his missionary work in Holland and helped to establish
a number of non-separatist congregations between
1609-1616. Henry Jacob also came into contact with John Robinson (1575-1625), a prominent Barrowist, and his Exiled
English Church at Leyden. What effect each of these
reformers may have had on the other is still an
open question.
Henry Jacob
Congregation (1616-1622)
The term
Jacobite, or Jacob Church is a modern term. On a
contemporary basis Jacob's congregation would have
been referred to either as: Independents, Brownist,
semi-Separatist, or Puritans. On a theological
basis they would have been Calvinists.
After his
return to England in 1616, Jacob started to put
into practice his concepts of a new type of
congregational polity. Jacob drew on earlier
separatist traditions where authority rested with
the congregation and its members rather than with a
national church. He also drew on the new spirit of
dissent that he had seen in Holland.
Rather than
separating totally from the Church of England as
other separatist congregations were advocating,
Jacob would establish a semi-Separatist or a
quasi-Independent congregation which would coexist
alongside the Church of England. Jacob did not
reject the authority of the State Church, but rather
argued that other independent congregations of
equal status could coexist outside the control of
the State Church. Tolerance was a major component
of Jacob's theology in a period where toleration
was generally lacking by many. Jacob would remain
the pastor of this new flock in Southwark from
Members were free to
circulate back and forth between Jacob's congregation and their own parish churches.
Members were free to continue their communicant status within the Church of England,
while still having access to a more open community of like minded believers in Jacob's congregation.
This open
door policy with the Church of England was not
supported by all members of Jacob's congregation.
Some separatist congregations of the period
shunned all contact with the "corrupted" Church of England and
all of its tainted members. Backsliding in many Separatist congregations, consorting with the enemy if you will, usually meant expulsion or excommunication from their congregation.
Jacob was known for his tolerant religious philosophy, many within Jacob's congregation were not as tolerant as their pastor. Being a tolerant congregation, a broad spectrum of theological opinions were represented.
"gathered churches" or "semi-separtists" as Jacob's
congregations were sometimes known enjoyed a
quasi-legal status unlike their Separatist
neighbors. Jacob's congregations were generally
considered outside of the separatist tradition by
other Separatists churches for consorting with the
enemy, i.e. the Church of England. But in the eyes of the State they were still
just as illegal as any other nonconformist congregation.
Henry Jacob's London congregation
in Southwark (London) became a focal point for moderate and liberal thought and discussion.
Prominent theologians, thinkers and dissenters found ready audiences to discuss
religious, social and political topics of the day. Southwark, across the River from London,
was considered a hotbed of questionable morals by many including the puritans. The area was
well known for its jails, prisons and its questionable entertainment
including the theater.
Sometime during 1619 a situation developed within the congregation that came to a head. A division had begun between the pro-puritan membership and the pro-Separatist members of the congregation. This resulted in Jacob resigning his office in 1619.
In 1620, the
New Plymouth Colony was started in the New World. At
the respectable age of 57, Henry Jacob began to
consider greener pastures. In 1622, Henry Jacob
left Southwark for the American Colonies with some
of his congregation. He established a religious
community at Jacobopolis in Virginia. Jacob
returned to England and died there in 1624. Jacob
left a major legacy of religious toleration to the
developing congregational movement.
Jacob's former Southwark
congregation was without an ordained clergyman between 1622-24. Unlike other Puritan
or Independent congregations, the Jacobite congregation tradition did not rely
on lay ministers, but hired only former ordained clergymen.
Lathrop Congregation (1624-32)
Lathrop (1584-1653) or Lothropp was born
in Etton, Yorkshire. A Cambridge graduate and
ordained clergyman. In 1624, Lathrop moved to
London from Egerton, Kent where he had left a
parish. Lathrop was known to have radical
sentiments. Lathrop was able to re-establish the
Jacob congregation along Jacob's guidelines. Lathrop as
Jacob's successor ministered to this congregation
from 1624-1632.
In 1630, John Dupper (or Duppa) (fl. 1630-1647), Sabine Staresmore (or Stasmore) (fl. 1616-1647), Daniel Chidley an Elder, and David Brown and a small separatist dissident
faction within Lathrop's congregation left. Twelve members defected over the issue of intercommunion with the Church of England.
Duppa was probably the lay minister when his faction established their own Independent
congregation in 1630. Duppa would continued his non-fraternization policy with parish churches. In 1645, Duppa with a group of concerned separatist confronted Henry Barton (1578-1648), former clergyman now Independent minister for preaching inside parish churches, the enemy. Barton was not concerned with Duppa positions.
A few prominent members of Duppa's congregation included: Thomas
Pride (d.1658) of later Pride's Purge (1648) fame;
Katherine Chidley (fl. 1626-1653) a prominent Sep artist pamphleteer on Independency, and her son Samuel Chidley (1618-ca.1668) also a pamphleteer, a Leveller, and religious writer,. Captain William Goodson later Vice-Admiral Goodson, Sabine Staresmore, a Separatist and Leveller.
Pursuant to
the Church statutes, agents of the Bishop of London, William Laud (1628-33) were out searching for
nonconforming congregations in the Diocese of London. Agents
discovered and arrested Lathrop's congregation in
1632. Most parish members were imprisoned for
eighteen months. Lathrop and the other elders were
imprisoned for two years, and or fine.
During 1633 most
of the congregation had been released from prison.
There would be a vacancy left at the pulpit while
Lathrop remained in prison. This vacancy would last
from 1634-37.
After his release from prison,
Lathrop decided to follow Henry Jacob's earlier example to seek greener pastures
in the New World. In 1634, Lathrop found himself on the safer shores of Boston,
Mass. far from London and prison.
along with a few of his parishioners established the first puritan church at Scituate,
Plymouth Colony in 1635. He moved to Barnstable, Mass. as minister in 1639 and
remained there until his death in 1653.
During the
period of 1632?-37, another London separatist
congregation whose origins are unclear appeared
under the leadership of John Spilsbury.
By 1638 this would appear to be a primitive Baptist
congregation. This congregation may have been a
possible splinter group that defected from the depleted Lathrop congregation between 1632-37 or
may be a off shoot of the earlier Duppa
congregation (1630). Its relationship to the
Jacob-Lathrop congregation in unclear.
Samuel Eaton Congregation (1634-39)
1633 another faction left the congregation over the issue of the Church of England being "true churches".A new congregation under
the leadership of Samuel Eaton (d. 1639) a London button-maker not the Samuel Eaton (1596?-1665), the Puritan minister. Relations between the Jacob-Lathrop would continue.
Eaton was a London button-maker by trade. His education and background are uncertain. He was a member of the Jacob-Lathrop's who with other in April of 1632 were arrested. Eaton he remained in prison from 1632-34. In early 1634, Eaton was released and became the lay minister of the new congregation which was probably of strict Separatist leanings. There was a mix of theological positions among the congregation including infant and adult baptism. Periods between 1634-39, Eaton was himself in hiding, or in and out of jail or prison by the High Commission. After Eaton's death in 1639 some
of its members may have returned back to the Jacob-Lathrop- Jessey congregation
including William Kiffin (1616-1701).
Jessey Congregation (1636-1660)
The Jacob-Lathrop congregation had been looking for a new minister from 1634. In 1637, a local chaplain to the Sir Matthew Boynton family near London accepted a new ministry in 1637, Henry Jessey.
Jessey (1603-1663) came from the North Riding of Yorkshire.
He attended Cambridge from 1618-24; and St. John's College (Cambridge) in 1622,
B. A. (1623). Jessey was considered a Hebrew and a rabbinical scholar. He was
ordained in 1624. Jessey had been a vicar at Assington (Yorkshire) in 1627 with a stay in New England. He would later leave the church.
assumed the leadership of the Jacob-Lathrop
congregation in mid-1637. After 1637,
increased political and religious pressures inside and outside started
to influence the Jessey congregation in London. In
February 1638, the congregation was discovered at
Queenhithe (London), an area near the modern Mansion House Station, and later in May 1638.
In 1639, Jessey was dispatched
as a commissioner to start new congregations in Wales. Growing separatist
pressures within and from without resulted in more factions of various
radical sentiments in the congregation. Some of these would result
in breakaway splinter groups.
The Jacob-Lathrop-Jessey
congregation divided itself by mutual consent in May 1640
due to its increased size. One half of the congregation moved
to Fleet Street (London) under the new leadership
of Praise God Barebon (1596?-1679),
or Praise-god Barebone. This Independent
congregation practiced infant baptism. Barebon
would later gain stature as a prominent puritan and
politician with the distinction of having the short
lived Barebone's Parliament (1653) named for
him. Barebon was also a well known city official holding a number of appointments.
The remainder of the congregation
would continue under Henry Jessey. The Jessey congregation was itself
being influenced by the radical times. Some of the original tenets
of Henry Jacob and John Lathrop were being influenced by more a radical
theology of the period. Part of this was due in part to the radical views incorporated in its own congregational membership.
There is some indication that
on the death of Samuel Howe (fl.1632-1640) that his Independent congregation with Baptist leanings may have
merged with the Jacob-Lathrop-Jessey congregation shortly. In 1641, with the appointment
of Stephen More as the replacement minister for Samuel Howe, members of the former Howe congregation may have returned to the new Stephen More.
Jessey himself was also undergoing
some theological changes in his own personal religious values. He had become influenced
by Sabbatarianism, the worship of the Sabbath on Saturday. He had personally become acquainted with the Baptist
movement, and the more radical Fifth Monarchy Men sect. Jessey was well respected as
a scholar and man of principals. Jessey tried to maintain a broad
view of religious toleration.
Jessey and others was arrested
in August 1641 by order of the Lord Mayor, and sent to the Wood Street
Compter (Prison). They were released by orders of the Long Parliament.
In 1642 a theological debate
occurred within the Jessey congregation over the administration of infant
baptism and believer's baptism or adult baptism. Hanserd Knolleys (1599?-1691) ,
a former clergyman, and minister in New England, he requested that his child not be baptized. Members of the congregation insisted on the administration on the administration of child baptism.
William Kiffin, a prosperous
merchant, was an active member of the congregation and a former member of the
Samuel Eaton congregation. Kiffin supported Knolleys request not to administrate infant baptism.
This action led to a major conference
of other London Independent congregations in May 1644. The result
of this conference was the creation of a new Independent congregation
in London under William Kiffin. The congregation was formed on Calvinistic
principals, infant baptism and quasi-Baptist leanings.
About 1643, Jessey along with
Robert Bragg (d. 1704), the Rector of All Hallow's the Great (London), Christopher
Feake, and others conducted a biweekly Lecture Series at All Hallows the Great
(London). This place was known for its association with the Fifth Monarchy Men movement.
William Kiffin has been
credited in large measure with helping to organize the initial congregations
that signed the First Confession of Faith of
1643. This document became the primary confession
of the London Particular Baptists congregations. It
was published as the First London Confession
of Faith (1644).
Jessey was a
moderate Independent with some Baptists leanings.
By 1645, "believer's baptism" or adult baptism was
now being practiced in the Jessey congregation. References were sometimes made
in the 1650's of the congregation being Baptist. There are indications that Jessey pursued a tolerant and moderate mixed congregation policy with regards to communion. This policy was not supported by the more conservation congregations such as William Kiffin.
Jessey as a
noted Hebrew scholar well aware of the Jewish
Sabbath question. He gradually came to accept
Sabbatarianism on a personal basis between 1647-53.
Jessey kept his own personal beliefs in
Sabbaratians out of his own
In 1653, Jessey became
a teacher at a Baptist congregation in Swan Alley, Coleman Street (London). He
preached there on Sundays and was associated with George Burnett. After 1653,
Jessey was being identified with the growing Fifth Monarchy Men movement mainly
through his relations with Christopher Feake, and Thomas Venner both prominent
movement leaders. Jessey was well known as a benefactor and supporter of the Jews in Jerusalem.
During the 1650's the original
Southwark congregation moved to St. George's (Southwark). Jessey was removed from
his position at the Restoration (1660). Jessey was closely watched and imprisoned
between 1660-63.
During 1663,
Jessey was in Holland helping some of his former members. He returned to London
in August 1664, he fell ill and died on 4 September 1663. His funeral in London comprised
some four to five thousand mourners. Jessey was held in high regard as a clergyman,
scholar, author and humanitarian.
A number of London congregations
of the Interregnum period may have had their roots in the Jacob-Lathrop-Jessey
congregations. They were known for their toleration of different theological views
within their congregation. This moderate toleration often resulted in many breakaway congregations not so tolerant.
Their reliance on former ordained clergymen rather than using lay ministers also set
the Jacob-Lathrop-Jessey congregations apart from other Independent congregations
of the Interregnum. Jacob, Lathrop and Jessey were well educated clergyman and respected scholars in their own right. Their importance as a tolerant voice and moderate middle ground in the London religious community of the period may be under appreciated.
William, 1576-1633. The relation of church and
state [n.d.], in The Reformation of
the Church, Murray, I. H. (ed.)
De Conscientia et ejus vel casibus
Conscience with the power and cases
thereof. (Tr. out of Latine) (1639) [STC
Thomas, 1546-7?-1616. The effect of certaine
sermons, touching the full redemption of mankind
(1599) [STC 3064]
Perpetual government of Christes
William, 1571-1618. A treatise of divine
worship, tending to prove that the ceremonies
imposed vpon the ministers of the Gospell in
England, in the present controversie, are in their
vse vnlawfull (1604) [STC
A Protestation of the King's Supremacie
(1605) [STC 3525]
Richard, 1549?-1597. Answer to the two first
and principall treatises of a certain faction
libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author
or printer, and without approbation by authoritie,
Edmund, 1624-1707. Delphi phoenicizantes,
sive Tractatus, in quo Graecos, quicquid apud
Delphos celebre erat: ... (1655) [EEb,
1641-1700 ; 528:19]
George, d. 1634. Defence of the sermon
preached at the consecration of the L. Bishop of
Bath and Welles [1613]
Daniel. The Dippers Dipt
Dudley, 1558?-1587] A counter-poyson,
modestly written for the time, to make aunswere to
the obiections and reproaches, wherein the aunswere
to the Abstract, would disgrace the holy discipline
of Christ [1584] [EEb,
1475-1460; 224:8] [STC (2nd ed.) 10770]
Luke., A Looking-Glass for Baptists
Henry, 1563-1624.
A treatise of the sufferings and victory of Christ,
in then work of our redemption declaring by the
Scriptures these two quetions, ... (1598)
[EEb, 1475-1640; 936:16][STC 14340]
A Defence of the Chvrches and Ministery of
Englande. Written in two treatises, against the
reasons and obiections of Maister Francis Iohnson.
and others of the separation commonly called
Brownists, ... (1599) [EEb, 1475-1640;
251:2][STC 14335]
A short treatise concerning the trvenes of a
pastorall calling in pastors made by
prelates ... (1599)
A defence of a treatise touching the sufferings and
victorie of Christ in the worke of our
redemption. ... (1600) [EEb, 1475-1640;
936:15][STC (2nd ed.)14333]
[Another. ed.] (1600) [STC
Reasons taken ovt of Gods Word and the best humane
Testimonies proving a necessitie of reforming ovr
churches in England ... (1603) [EEb,
1475-1640; 993:9][STC 14338]
[Another ed.]
Principles and Foundations of the Christian
A Third Humble Supplication of many faithful
subjects in England falsely called Puritans
directed to the King's Majesty
A Christian and Modest Offer of a Most
Indifferent Conference or
dispvtation, abovt the maine and principall
coutroversies betwixt the prelate, and the late
silenced and deprived ministers in England
(1606) [EEb, 1475-1640; 1145:3] [STC
14329] [ESTCS120767]
.To the High and mightie Prince, Iames by the
grace of God, King of great Britannie, France, and
Irelande ... : An Humble Supplication for
Toleration and Libertie to Enjoy and Observe the
Ordinances of Christ Jesus in th' administration of
His Churches in Lieu of Human Constitutions
[Another ed.] (1975)
An humble Supplication for Toleration
Divine Beginnings and Institutions of Christ
true Visible ... Church, (1610)
[The divine beginning of Christs
church] (1610) [EEb, 1475-1640;
993:7] [STC 14336]
A plaine and cleere Exposition of the Second
Commandement (1610) [STC
A declaration and plainer opening of certaine
pointes in the divine beginning of Christes true
Church (1611) [STC 14331]
A declaration and plainer opening of certaine
points, with a sound confirmation of some other,
contained in a teatise intituled, The divine
beginning and institution of Christes true visible
and ministeriall church (1612) [EEb,
1475-1640; 1145:4, 1549:4][STC 14332]
An Attestation of many Learned godly, and
famous Divines, lightes of religion, and pillars of
the Gospell, iustifying this doctrine, ...
(1613) [EEb, 1475-1640; 993:5] [STC
14328] [ESTCS117858]
An Attestation of many divines that the
Church-government ought to bee alwayes with the
peoples free consent (1613)
[Another ed.] (1975)
Anno Domini 1616. A Confession and
Protestation of the Faith of certaine Christians in
England [1616] [EEb, 1475-1640;
993:6] [STC 14330]
Kneeling in the act of eating and drinking at
the Lords table is a sinne. Proved by 8 arguments
printed in the yeare. 1641. (1641) [Wing
(2nd ed.) J96] [Thomason Tracts;
Henry, 1603-1663. The Scripture-almanacke, or
a calculation according to the English account, and
the Word of God. [1646][EEb,
1641-1700; 2380:2] [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996)
A1833A] [ESTCR223971]
[Another ed.] 1650. The
scripture-kalendar, used by the prophets and
apostles, and by our Lord Jesus Christ
[1650] [EEb, 1641-1700; 2322:4]
[Wing A1835A]
A Storehouse of Provision
Miscellanea sacra, or, Diverse necessary
truths, now as seasonably published, as they were
plainly and compendeously proved by Henry Jessey,
late minister of the Gospel in London (1665)
[EEb, 1641-1700; 1950:6] [Wing (2nd
ed.) J695] [ESTCR216570]
______. A Looking-glass
for children being a narrative of God's gracious dealings with some
little children, recollectedby Henry Jessey in his life-time [4th
ed.; 1673] [EEB, 1641-1700; 2292:24] [Wing P30A]
[Another ed.]
"Letters to Henry Jacie", in Collections
(Mass. Historical Society), 3rd ser., 1; 4th
ser., 6
Francis, 1562-1618. An answer to Maister H.
Iacob his defence of the churches and
ministery of England. By Francis Johnson an exile
of Iesus Christ (1600) [EEb, 1475-1640;
994:11] [STC 14658]
Thomas, A short Treatise of Baptisme
Oliver, 1580?-1626. The Picture of a Puritane
; or a relation of the opinions a. practises of the
Anabaptists in Germanie a. of the puritanes in
England. Whereunto is annexed
Puritano-papismus (1605) [STC
[Anr. ed.] Newly corrected and enlarged
(1605) [STC 18852]
Staresmore, Sabine (fl. 1616-1647). Unlawfullnes of Reading in Prayer (1619)
Brachlow, S., The Communion
of Saints: Radical Puritan and Separatists Ecclesiology 1570-1625
______. "The
Elizabethan Roots of Henry Jacob's Churchmanship",
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 36
Dodd, J. A.,
"The Eschatology of Praise-God Barebone",
Transactions of the Congregational Historical
Society, 4 (1909-10)
K., The Churches in England from Elizabeth I
to Elizabeth II, Vol. 1, 1558-1688
Nuttall, G.
F., Visible Saints: The Congregational Way
1640-1660 (1957)
Paul, R. S., "Henry Jacob and Seventeenth-Century Puritanism", Hartford Quarterly, 7
Tolmie, M.,
The Triumph of the Saints, The Separate
Churches of London, 1616-1649
______. "The
Jacob Church", in The Triumph of the Saints,
The Separate Churches of London, 1616-1649
von Rohr,
J., "The Congregationalism of Henry Jacob",
Transactions of the Congregational Historical
Society, 19 (1962)
"Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus: An Early
Congregational Version", Church
History, 36 (1967)
White, B. R., "How did William
Kiffin join the Baptist?", Baptist Quarterly, 23
"Samuel Eaton (d. 1639), Particular Baptist
Pioneer", Baptist Quarterly, 24
Whitley, W.
T., "Debate of Infant Baptism, 1643",
Transactions of the Baptist Historical
Society, 1 (1908-09)
______. "The
Jacob-Jessey Church, 1616-1678", Transactions
of the Baptist Historical Society, 1
of the Jabob-Lathrop-Jessey Church, 1616-1641",
Transactions of the Baptist Historical
Society 1, (1908-09)
'Rise of the Particular Baptists in London,
1633-1644, Transactions of the Baptist
Historical Society 1, (1908-09)
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