Past Editorials

August 2003

The Governator, the U.N., and a world gone mad

Wow!  Where has time gone.  My last editorial addressed the welcoming of spring... and of new hope.  Summer is just about over.  School days (for most students) are just around the block.

Many stunning events have transpired in the world.  The Philippines experienced yet another "bloodless" coup (though it failed).  California may soon have the Terminator for a Governor.  Coalition soldiers are getting killed daily in Iraq - after the "war is over" has been declared.  More and more U.S. work are being off-shored.

Regrettably, there were other sad days.  The U.N. Mission building in Baghdad was bombed killing 19, including Sergio Vieira de Mello, the top U.N. envoy to Iraq.  Nearby, a Hamas supported terrorist blew himself up killing 20 Israelis, mostly children.  I mean, really small children.  There seem to be no logic nor religious fervor that could justify these madness and mayhem.  Is the world really doomed?  What has this world come to?  Why is it that good intentioned and innocent people have to suffer or die?

Want more?  There is this convicted pedophile priest sent to jail only to be murdered by a cellmate.  There is this ruckus about a Ten Commandments monument installed by one judge which was then ordered removed by other judges who use a Bible to swear people into "telling the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God."  Hypocrisy has risen to new heights.  The world has really gone mad (better said with an Irish accent).  Surreal "hypocrazy" is more like it.  Scary.

In what is obviously a struggle between good and evil in our Mordor... many innocent lives are lost and wasted.  I ponder the thought that the world seems doomed.  Yet, as human beings, we must ask ourselves what we can do as individuals to reverse the madness.  But first, we must choose which side to be on, although it would be quite stupid and so damned if you and I choose the dark side.  Perhaps, this is just the time to wake up, stand up, and make a difference.

I try to find solace in "my" world that I share with Internet visitors in my hope that they can appreciate photographs and stories in this portal and feel good for a change.  If it can only help people even temporarily forget many of the ugliness and negative vibes in today's real world - by trying to show that there are still some good events in life - maybe, I am trying to make a difference, no matter how small.  We need to tilt the balance the other way.

On a lighter note, my summer came and went so quickly.  It must have been quite hectic.  I don't recall going on any exotic travels except for a day-trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium when my 5-year old son Zachary was in town.  I kept focus on my IT job and also on finishing up with my BSIT program.  Thus, no new photo projects really.  However, I got to spend some time working on this website, updating the Dimakya Island page write-up... and a few other "house cleaning."  I'll have more time after graduation in October, so I hope to revamp a few more pages. Thanks for your patience.

Until next time, may the force be with you!