Past Editorials

June 22, 2005

Reflecting on Father's Day
This was originally posted on

It was a nice and mellow Father's Day. Since there were no planned gathering, I stayed in bed late until I was "awoken" by Sophie, my almost 1 year old baby girl - as she always do every morning - and we played. Sophie and Cat handed me a HFD gift and card.

In time, I also thought about my three sons. It was a quite day and the phones were silent. I figured since we were up late Saturday to celebrate Matt's graduation, everyone were sleeping late.

I got a call from Zachary (7) in South Bend in the afternoon. Bright and energetic as always, he wish me HFD and then played over the phone two piano pieces he has been working on. He's sending me the art work that he did which I wanted so badly then.

Coming back home from the Asian market to buy fresh fish to cook on the grill... Russell (19) nicely surprised me as he opened the door for us. He presented me a gift bag: a pound of special Sulawesi coffee beans and an orange colored leather wrapped aluminum thermos where he works at -- Starbucks. My barrista son knows his dad's passion with coffee and the color orange.

At dusk, my brother Rey, his wife Rose and Jen came over and we prepared dinner. I missed a call from my son Michael (21) but listened to the HFD message that he left. He just got done with band practice (R3F) and was to meet up with Lisa. I called him back while I was working the grill and talked some. I told him it is cool if he can't come over the house today. Besides, he was with us at Matt's graduation party last night.

So there... my 2005 FD. The day was nothing fancy but just as fine. Dysfunctional? Perhaps to you, but I don't think so. I am so blessed to have all my children. My thanks and my love to my four children... and the rest of the family and extended clan too!